
Well I think my fussy re-design of the site is all done! I’m really happy with the new look of the pages and I think the navigation flows better now. There’s lots of bright color and lots (and lots!) of pictures now..

I wonder if I should put up some of the black and whites that I haven’t colored yet… would anyone be interested in that? I mean, they’re not very exciting in black and white.. unless you enjoy the evolution from black and white to color.. Ah well, I’ll worry about that later.


I have some newer dolls that I haven’t gotten pictures of yet. I definitely need to get on that because I’m so so happy with the embroidered eyes. They’re really beautifull. I can’t wait to make some ponies with the embroidered eyes..


I’ve just finished the Spirit (Papa) from “Soul Eater” that I was working on right before Christmas. I’ll get those picture uploaded soon. πŸ™‚


Let me know what you think of the site! The whole point is trying to make a shinier, easier to navigate site for you so I’d love your feedback on how I did!



Mucking About

scrap-dragon-lido-2013-07-sleepy 1656x1246

This is Lido. He’s my newest baby scrap dragon. He’s a little rockstar! Okay, well, not when he’s looking all cute and snuggly for naptime.. but when it’s karaoke time! Then he’s all air guitar and rock screams and stage dives off the speakers. Thank goodness he’s plush! He’s up for adoption right now in my Etsy store.

.Besides a rowdy little baby dragon, I’ve been making a mess of things myself recently! I’m in the process of updating all the website pages here (you might have noticed?). I’m hoping they will have better navigation and be brighter, more energetic. Shaking things up a bit for the New Year, ya know?

.Let me know what you think! And have a very very Merry Christmas!




